Welcome to CampusWire
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Welcome to CampusWire
Welcome email to the Leadership Institute listserv CampusWire.
Celine Ryan
Leadership Institute
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Email Body
Hello Isaac,
Thank you for signing up for Campus Reform's CampusWire alerts.
Here at the Leadership Institute’s Campus Reform, it’s our job to report what’s happening
on college campuses.
And now that you’re on our CampusWire email list, I will send new stories directly to you.
Soon you’ll hear from my boss Morton Blackwell, the president and founder of the
Leadership Institute (LI). He’ll explain to you why he started Campus Reform, and how LI’s
unique national network of 2,038 active campus student groups and hundreds of training
schools held each year for conservative activists make a real difference for your
conservative principles.
In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy some of our most popular and shared articles.
-A lecturer at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln got fired after she harassed
conservatives who wanted to grow their student group.
-Kellogg Community College in Michigan eliminated their restrictive "free speech
zones" after a lawsuit brought by students arrested for handing out pocket-sized
U.S. Constitutions on campus.
-A professor at California State University – Fullerton was suspended and may face
misdemeanor charges after he assaulted conservative students on campus.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or tips for our
team of investigative journalists.
Thank you,
Celine Ryan
Editor, Campus Reform
Thank you for signing up for Campus Reform's CampusWire alerts.
Here at the Leadership Institute’s Campus Reform, it’s our job to report what’s happening
on college campuses.
And now that you’re on our CampusWire email list, I will send new stories directly to you.
Soon you’ll hear from my boss Morton Blackwell, the president and founder of the
Leadership Institute (LI). He’ll explain to you why he started Campus Reform, and how LI’s
unique national network of 2,038 active campus student groups and hundreds of training
schools held each year for conservative activists make a real difference for your
conservative principles.
In the meantime, I thought you might enjoy some of our most popular and shared articles.
-A lecturer at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln got fired after she harassed
conservatives who wanted to grow their student group.
-Kellogg Community College in Michigan eliminated their restrictive "free speech
zones" after a lawsuit brought by students arrested for handing out pocket-sized
U.S. Constitutions on campus.
-A professor at California State University – Fullerton was suspended and may face
misdemeanor charges after he assaulted conservative students on campus.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, comments, or tips for our
team of investigative journalists.
Thank you,
Celine Ryan
Editor, Campus Reform
Subject Line
Welcome to CampusWire
Celine Ryan, “Welcome to CampusWire,” My cms, accessed January 15, 2025, https://isaackamola.domains.trincoll.edu/items/show/5.